报 告 人:何书元 教授 首都师范大学数学科学新2网址
报告题目 :Maximal Information coefficient
时 间:2014年5月21日(星期三)下午2:30
地 点:数学楼第三报告厅
摘 要:Maximal Information Coefficient is used to find strongrelation pairs from a large data set with a great many of variables.
The interesting method has some nice properties such as: generality and equitability that can be appealing in practice,
though many characteristics of MIC still need to be further validated and explored. In this talk, we give a natural generalization
of MIC for which the relationship of two variables is extended to the relationship of three variables. We hope this generalization
can be used to capture many three-dimensional relationships that MIC will miss and
use simulations and real data sets analysis to illustrate it.