
【学术报告】Big Data, Internet of Things, and Cloud Computing (BIC): What Can an Information Theorist Do?




报告题目Big Data, Internet of Things, and Cloud Computing (BIC): What Can an Information Theorist Do?


报告人: 杨恩辉



加拿大皇家科新2网址 院士

         Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering                        

         University of Waterloo, Canada










Big Data, Internet of Things, and Cloud Computing (BIC) are positioned to change how we work, play and live. However, with the extensive media coverage on and promotion of BIC and with different perspectives, even languages on BIC from people and organizations with different interests and backgrounds, it is easy for a newcomer to research in BIC to get lost. How would a newcomer then position his/her research in BIC?


Guided by research principles “Thoughts without content are empty; intuitions without concepts are blind’’ (Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)) and “Act as if what you do would make a difference’’ (William James (1842-1910)), in this talk, we will use our research experience to provide our perspective on answers to the above question. After taking the 2008 financial crisis, 2013 Boston bombing, Snowden’s disclosures, and recent mass leak of nude celebrity photos from iCloud as examples to illustrate the current status of BIC technologies, we would argue that it is right time for any one with good analytical skills and interests to get into research in BIC. We will then present some of our recent results in Big Data analytics, particularly photo analytics and management, and cloud security. The design of our security system is also influenced by philosophical ideas from arts of war such as fortifying your defenses and leaving nothing useful to your enemy (坚壁清野) and people’s war (人民战争). It not only solves cloud storage security issues, but also enables one to develop a new way of communications. Live demos of our photo management and security systems will also be presented.


Short Bio:


En-hui Yang has been with the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada since June 1997, where he is now a Professor and Canada Research Chair in information theory and multimedia compression. He is the founding director of the Leitch-University of Waterloo multimedia communications lab, and a co-founder of SlipStream Data Inc. (now a subsidiary of BlackBerry (formerly Research In Motion)). He currently also serves as an Executive Council Member of China Overseas Exchange Association and an Overseas Advisor for the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the City of Shanghai, and serves on the Overseas Expert Advisory Committee for the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council of China.


He served, among many other roles, as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, a general co-chair of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, the largest premier international conference on information theory in the world, a technical program vice-chair of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), the chair of the award committee for the 2004 Canadian Award in Telecommunications, a co-editor of the 2004 Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, a co-chair of the 2003 US National Science Foundation (NSF) workshop on the interface of Information Theory and Computer Science, the purpose of which is to advise NSF about research directions and support in the interface area, and a co-chair of the 2003 Canadian Workshop on Information Theory.


An innovator and a pioneer in his fields, Dr. Yang is a Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (The Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences of Canada). He is also a recipient of several research awards and honors including the prestigious Inaugural  Ontario Premier’s Catalyst Award in 2007 for the Innovator of the Year (Proceeds of the award were donated entirely to the University of Waterloo to create an annual En-hui Yang Engineering Research Innovation Award eligible to all Engineering Faculty at Waterloo to encourage and support research and innovation by Waterloo Engineering faculty), the 2007 Ernest C. Manning Award of Distinction, one of the Canada's most prestigious innovation prizes, the 2013 CPAC Professional Achievement Award, and the 2014 Padovani Lecture. Products based on his inventions and commercialized by SlipStream received the 2006 Ontario Global Traders Provincial Award. With over 210 papers and more than 200 patents/patent applications worldwide, his research work has had an impact on the daily life of hundreds of millions of people over 170 countries either through commercialized products, or video coding open sources, or video coding standards. In 2011, he was selected for inclusion in Canadian Who’s Who.