
【学术报告】Mining GPI-anchored Proteins from Proteomic data



报告题目:Mining GPI-anchored Proteins from Proteomic data

报 告 人:曹巍, 东京大学农学生命科学研究科研究员

时 间:2015612(星期)10:00

地 点:数学楼第二报告厅

摘 要: Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) lipid modification is an important protein post-translational modification found in many organisms, and GPI-anchoring is confined to the C-terminus of the target protein. We built up a novel computational protocol for identifying GPI-anchored proteins, which is more accurate than previously proposed protocols;it uses an optimized support vector machine (SVM) classifier to recognize the C-terminal sequence pattern and a voting system based on SignalP version 3.0 to determine the presence or absence of the N-terminal signal of a typical GPI-anchored protein. Fourteen of 15 proteins in our sensitivity test dataset and 19 of the 20 proteins experimentally identified by Hamada et al. that were not included in the training dataset were identified correctly. This suggests that our protocol is considerably effective on unseen data. A proteome-wide survey applying the protocol to S. cerevisiae identified 88 proteins as putative GPI-anchored proteins. Applying our system to protein sequences of three Aspergilli, we identified 115 GPI-anchored proteins in Aspergillus fumigatus, 129 in Aspergillus nidulans, and 136 in Aspergillus oryzae. Sequence-based conserved domain search found nearly half of these proteins to have conserved domains that covered a wide range of functions.



