


  1. Du Lilun, Zou Changliang, and Wang Zhaojun* (2011). Nonparametric regression function estimation for error-in-variable models with validation data. StatisticaSinica,  21(3). 1093-1113.

  2. Zhang Jiujun, Zou Changliang, and Wang Zhaojun* (2011). A New  Control Chart  for  Detecting the Process Mean and Variability. Communication in Statistics-Simulation and Computations, 40(5), 728-743.

  3. Dai Yi, Luo Yunzhao, Li Zhonghua, and Wang Zhaojun* (2011). A New Adaptive CUSUM Control Chart for Detecting the Multivariate Process Mean. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 27(7), 877-884.

  4. 王兆军, 巩震,邹长亮 (2011). ARL计算方法综述. 数理统计与管理,30(3), 467-497.

  5. Zhang Juijun, Zou Changliang, and Wang Zhaojun*(2011). An adaptive Shiryaev-Robert procedure for monitoring dispersion.  Computers & Industrial Engineer-ing. 61, 1166-1172.

  6. Sun, F. S., Pang, F. and Liu, M. Q. (2011). Construction of column-orthogonal designs for computer experiments. Sci. China Math. 54(12), 2683-2692. [SCI]

  7. Chen, J. and Liu, M. Q. (2011). Some theory for constructing general minimum lower order confounding designs. Statist. Sinica 21(4), 1541-1555. [SCI]

  8. Pang, F. and Liu, M. Q. (2011). Geometric isomorphism check for symmetric factorial designs. J. Complexity 27, 441-448. [SCIEI]

  9. Liu, Y., Yang, J. F. and Liu, M. Q. (2011). Isomorphism check in fractional factorial designs via letter interaction pattern matrix. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 141, 3055-3062. [SCI]

  10. Sun, F. S., Lin, D. K. J. and Liu, M. Q. (2011). On construction of optimal mixed-level supersaturated designs. Annals of Statistics 39(2), 1310-1333. [SCI]

  11. Sun, F. S., Chen, J. and Liu, M. Q. (2011). Connections between uniformity and aberration in general multi-level factorials. Metrika 73(3), 305-315. [SCI]

  12. Liu, Y. and Liu, M. Q. (2011). Construction of optimal supersaturated design with large number of levels. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 141, 2035-2043. [SCI]

  13. Paynabar, K., Qin, P. and Zou, C., “A Change Point Approach for Phase-I Analysis in Multivariate Profile Monitoring and Diagnosis” Technometrics

  14. Zou, C., Jiang, W., and Tsung, F. (2011) “A LASSO-Based SPC Diagnostic Framework for Multivariate Statistical Process Control,” Technometrics, 53, 297-309. 

  15. Zou, C., and Tsung, F. (2011) “A Multivariate Sign EWMA Control Chart,” Technometrics, 53, 84-97