


  1. Zhou Qin, Zou Changliang, Wang Zhaojun*, and Jiang Wei (2012). Likelihood-based EWMA charts for monitoring Poisson count data with varying sample size. JASA, 107(499), 1049-1062

  2. Yu Guan, Zou Changliang, and Wang Zhaojun* (2012). Outlier detections in the functional observations with applications to profile monitoring.  Technometrics. 54(3), 308-318.

  3. Feng Long, Zou Changliang, and Wang Zhaojun* (2012). Local Walsh-average Regression. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 106(1), 36-48.

  4. Feng Long, Zou Changliang, and Wang Zhaojun*(2012). Rank-based inference for single-index model. Statistics and Probability Letters. 82(3), 535-541. 

  5. Zou Changlinag, Wang Zhaojun, and TsungFugee (2012). A Spatial Rank-based multivariate EWMA control chart. Naval Logistic Research, 59(2), 91-110.

  6. Zhang Jiujun, Li Zhonghua, and Wang Zhaojun*(2012). A new adaptive control chart for monitoring process mean and variability. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 60(9), 1031-1038. 

  7. Shang Suoping, Zou Changliang, and Wang Zhaojun* (2012). Local Walsh-average regression for semiparametric varying coefficient models, Statistics & Probability Letters, 82, 1815-1822.

  8. Zi, X. M., Zhang, R. C. and Liu, M. Q. (2012). On optimal two-level nonregular factorial split-plot designs. J. Complexity 28, 459-467. [SCIEI]

  9. Huang, C., Lin, D. K. J. and Liu, M. Q. (2012). An optimality criterion for supersaturated designs with quantitative factors. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 142, 1780-1788. [SCI]

  10. Liu, Y. and Liu, M. Q. (2012). Construction of equidistant and weak equidistant supersaturated designs. Metrika 75(1), 33-53. [SCI]

  11. Pang, F. and Liu, M. Q. (2012). A note on connections among criteria for asymmetrical factorials. Metrika 75(1), 23-32. [SCI]

  12. Yang, J. Y. and Liu, M. Q. (2012). Construction of orthogonal and nearly orthogonal Latin hypercube designs from orthogonal designs. Statist. Sinica 22(1), 433-442. [SCI]

  13. Zi, X., Zou, C. and Liu, Y. (2012) “Two-sample Empirical Likelihood Method for Linear Regression Model,” Statistical Papers, 53, 83-93. 

  14. Zou, C., and Chen, X. (2012) “A Note on the Consistency of CISE with BIC” Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 112, 248-255