


  1. Li Zhonghua, Zou Changliang, Wang Zhaojun, and Huang Longcheen (2013). A multivariate sign chart for monitoring process shape parameters. Journal of Quality Technology, 45(2), 149-165.  

  2. Li Zhonghua, Zou Changliang, Wang Zhaojun, and Huang Longcheen (2013). A multivariate sign chart for monitoring process shape parameters. Journal of Quality Technology, 45(2), 149-165.  

  3. Li Zhonghua, QiuPeihua, Chatterjee, S., and Wang Zhaojun (2013). Using p values to design statistical process control charts, Statistical Papers, 54(2), 523-539.    

  4. Liu Yukun, Zou Changling*, and Wang Zhaojun (2013). Calibration of the empirical likelihood for high-dimensional data. Annals of The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 65(3), 529-550.  

  5. Wang Guanghui, Zou Changliang*, and Wang Zhaojun (2013). A necessary test for complete independence in high dimensions using rank-correlations. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 121, 224-232.

  6. Feng Long, Zou Changliang, and Wang Zhaojun*  and Chen Bin (2013). Rank-based score test for high-dimensional regression coefficients. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 7, 2131-2149.

  7. Huang Rizhang, Yu Guan, and Wang Zhaojun, Zhang Jun, and Shi Liangxing (2013). Dirichlet Process Mixture Model for Document Clustering with Feature Selection. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 25(8), 1748-1759. 

  8. Yang, J. F., Zhang, R. C. and Liu, M. Q. (2013). Construction of optimal blocking schemes for robust parameter designs. Acta Math. Sci. (Series B) 33, 1431-1438. [SCI]

  9. Chen, J., Liu, M. Q., Fang, K. T. and Zhang, D. (2013). A cyclic construction of saturated and supersaturated designs. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 143, 2121-2127. [SCI]

  10. Zhao, S. L., Li, P. F. and Liu, M. Q. (2013). On blocked resolution IV designs containing clear two-factor interactions. J. Complexity 29, 389–395. [SCIEI]

  11. Yin, Y. H., Zhang, Q. Z. and Liu, M. Q. (2013). A two-stage variable selection strategy for supersaturated designs with multiple responses. Front. Math. China 8(3), 717-730. [SCI]

  12. Liu, Y. and Liu, M. Q. (2013). Construction of supersaturated design with large number of factors by the complementary design method. Acta Math. Appl. Sinica (English Ser.) 29, 253-262. [SCI]

  13. Yin, Y. H. and Liu, M. Q. (2013). Orthogonal Latin hypercube designs for Fourier-polynomial models. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 143, 307–314. [SCI]

  14. Sun, F. S., Yin, Y. H. and Liu, M. Q. (2013). Construction of nested space-filling designs using difference matrices. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 143, 160–166. [SCI]