报告题目:Estimation efficiency in continual reassessment method
报 告 人: 田添,Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science,University of Illinois at Chicago
时 间:2015年12月29日(星期二)上午 10: 00
地 点:统计研究院431教室(原附中计算机与控制工程新2网址 办公楼四楼东侧)
摘 要: A widely used approach of designing the phase I clinical trial is continual reassessment method (CRM), which has been shown through many simulations to be more effective than other traditional approaches. In this talk, I will show that the CRM algorithm is indeed efficient from the perspective of optimal design theory. Specifically, simple power model and logistic model - two popular models, are considered. For simple power model, I'll show the efficiency of CRM depends on the target toxicity rate and CRM is highly efficient in practice. A remarkable fact is that the optimal design selects the dose level such that the corresponding toxicity rate is around 0.2, which is exactly the commonly used target toxicity rate in clinical trials. As for logistic model, I'll show that the CRM approach is indeed optimal, which will justify the efficiency of the algorithm in theory. Moreover, I'll also talk about the situations when there're delayed responses in the study.