报告题目:A two-phase procedure in ordinal trait genetic association studies
报 告 人: 李启寨研究员
单位:中国科新2网址 数学与系统科学研究院
时 间:2015年12月24日(星期四)下午14:30
地 点:统计研究院426教室(原附中计算机与控制工程新2网址 办公楼四楼东侧)
摘 要: The conventional method to examine whether the genetic variants are associated with the ordinal traits is the proportional odds model. The analyses were often conducted by assuming an additive genetic model of inheritance. However, how the genetic variants influence the risk of occurrence of a disease is impossible to know in practice. Using an improper model might result in a low-power test, thus it reduces the probability of detecting the deleterious genetic markers. To address these concerns, we propose a two-phase procedure (TPP) for the ordinal trait genetic studies. In the first phase, we use a linear combination to weight the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium tests in case groups and form an omnibus test to classify the genetic models. Then based on the chosen model, the corresponding score test is used to identify the associations. To control the false positive rate, we derive the joint distribution of the test used for selecting the genetic model and that for identifying the associations. We also obtain the closed forms of two other robust testes, MAX3 and CHI2. Extensive computer simulations are carried out and the results show that the true selection rates of genetic models are satisfactory and the proposed TPP is more robust than MAX3 and CHI2. Finally, we demonstrate the advantage of our proposed method by applying it to analyze the antibody reactivity to cyclic citrullinated peptides data .