南开大学统计研究院现面向全球公开招聘优秀青年学者,分为助理教授和特聘教授两个岗位,实行考察制(tenure track),即固定年薪并定量考核。诚聘国内外相关专业的学者、博士后及应届毕业博士研究生的加盟,共谋发展,共创辉煌。
1. 申报条件:候选人年龄一般不超过35周岁
2. 薪酬待遇:年薪至少35万元人民币(税前)
3. 经费支持:除科研启动经费外,聘期内每年资助五万元科研经费。
1. 申报条件:入选南开大学“国家青年学术带头人培养计划的人员,候选人年龄一般不超过40周岁。
2. 薪酬待遇:年薪40-100万元人民币(税前),享受南开大学关于国家青年人才及其他规定的相关福利(包括安家费等)及50万元专项科研经费资助。
三、 联系方式
Email: [email protected],[email protected]
地址: 天津市卫津路94号南开大学统计研究院
邮编: 300071
Available Tenure-track Positions
Institute of Statistics, Nankai University
The Institute of Statistics at Nankai University in Tianjin invites applications for multiple tenure-track positions at Assistant Professor or Professor level. The positions are open to all general areas of interest, including Statistics, Machine Learning and Data Mining, Data Science, Probability, Econometrics, Biostatistics, Mathematical Finance and Risk Management.
The Institute of Statistics was established in 2013 as part of a reorganizations plan of disciplines within Nankai University, therefore is a relatively new administrative unit of division level at Nankai University. The institute is growing rapidly,especially after the discipline of statistics of Nankai University was selected as thenational double first-class discipline in 2017.
Qualifications for the positions require a doctoral degree in related fields. Candidates with PhD degree in other related areas are also encouraged to apply if they can contribute to the institute. To be successful, the candidates need to have a strong commitment to excellence in research and teaching at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
Position Description:
Qualifications: The applicant is supposed to be under 35 years old;
Salary Range: at least 350KRMB;
Other Benefits:Competitive settling down allowance. Besides a startup grant, an annual research fund of 50K RMB will be provided during the employment period.
a、The applicant is supposed to be under 40 years old and should be selected into Young Academic Leaders Program of Nankai University”;
b、Salary Range: 400K-1000KRMB depending on the level of experience;
c、Other Benefits: Competitive settling down allowance depending on qualifications and experience and a startup grant at least 500K RMB will be provided.
Application Materials: Curriculum Vitae,threerepresentative research papers, at least two references,research statement,teaching statement, and other supporting documents.
Contact:Candidates should submit application materials via email to Ms. Xiaoying Zhou
(Email: [email protected]; Phone: (86)2223503423). Inquiries may be made to Professor Changliang Zou ([email protected]). The positions are open until they are filled. However, we encourage early applications as we may make an offer at any time.